X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch
X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch ---> https://urllie.com/2tacWk
The Alliance drops out of hyperspace on the planet of Orron III, finding it deserted. They then locate Wes, who is in an Imperial prison cell. The Alliance pilots rescue Wes, and then begin to interrogate him. Wes tells them about the construction site, and the Alliance then leaves to deal with the site.[8]
The Alliance arrives on Exegol and begins to prepare for an assault on the construction site. The Alliance begins dropping small units of troops over the planet, which appear to be the first wave of the assault.
The convoy's location is announced on the news as the Alliance pilots find and attack the convoy. The ship carrying the Wookiees separates from the convoy, and its pilot, Commander Wes Janson, makes contact with the ship. The Alliance forces then realize that Wes is a former Rebel and begins to pursue him, encouraging the Alliance to rescue the remaining Wookiees. The Alliance freighter then arrives at the location of the convoy, but finds the convoy destroyed and Wes missing. It is then discovered that Wes' ship is missing, and he is presumed dead.[4]
The Alliance pilots that are pursuing Wes arrive at the convoy's location and send out a coded distress signal. The Alliance then launches a massive attack on the desert planet to destroy the construction site. The attack is successful, but Wes is still missing.[7]
On Kashyyyk, the Alliance's newly arrived Princess Leia Organa is informed of the convoy's location. She sends a team of pilots to aid in the rescue. Upon learning about the convoy's destruction and Wes' presumed death, Leia realizes that the Alliance would be trying to rescue the Wookiees and decides to rescue them herself.[5]
Meanwhile, Wes is revealed to have survived the convoy's destruction and is rescued by a pair of Imperials who take him to a remote location to interrogate him. Wes tells them about the convoy and about the construction site, and then contacts the Alliance. Together, he and the Imperials warn the Alliance about the construction site, which is located on the remote desert planet of Exegol, and then flee.[6]
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