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Because of reports from earlier explorers, the Saints understood that rain alone was not sufficient to water crops in the arid Great Basin. They would need to draw from the streams, rivers and lakes, following the example of Native Americans and Hispanic settlers that came before them. Almost immediately after reaching the valley floor, the pioneers built a diversion dam on what would become known as City Creek and dug a ditch so that water from the stream could soak the ground for crop cultivation.
Our ability to be wise stewards of the earth is dependent on our understanding of the natural resources we have been blessed with. As our understanding of the environment grows, so does our opportunity to align our practices with the environmental realities we face, allowing for the implementation of practical and effective localized solutions. We are indebted to the subject matter experts who study the conditions of the Great Salt Lake and the impacts and future risks of its declining water levels. We are grateful for the legislative changes that create new opportunities to benefit the lake and to the many organizations working to bring awareness to this issue. With greater understanding of the lake and the solutions needed to help preserve it, we are positioned to improve our stewardship of this critical resource. 781b155fdc