The Lockback Folding Knife From Design To Completion Pdf Free !EXCLUSIVE!
Design and development of MagnaCut started in the Spring of 2018. I started with a very simple process of solving a problem I had: I had a desire to own a knife that I was proud of with a handle I could really appreciate. Steel was a secondary concern. I started with steel that was affordable and readily available in the steel market. I had a conversation with a friend who was a master knifemaker, and for the first time, I had a good idea of what a master knifemaker must be capable of, and I was interested in learning more. He told me about the steel that he used for his knifemaking, and that I should try it out. That started a long journey that would take me through a series of conversations with steelmakers, metallurgists, and engineers, all while designing in my head what I wanted in a knife. I can say with confidence that the journey was worth it. It was a learning process that was incredibly gratifying. I learned so much about steel, it is amazing. I learned about heat treatment, how to test and analyze steel, and how to evaluate steels for other properties, like hardness, corrosion resistance, etc. I learned how to make steel, design steel, and make knives. I also learned a lot about myself, what I really want from a knife, and what I really value. And it all came together beautifully in MagnaCut.
MagnaCut is a steel which I think will fit in with any type of knifemaker, and is definitely a steel for a knifemaker who is serious about their craft. It has a bit of weight and a more substantial feel than some steels, and it’s a steel that could be used for all types of knives; from folding knives to fixed blades, anything you want. I started with a few prototypes of MagnaCut and sent them out to knifemakers and people I know who are good at what they do. They would send me back pictures of their own knives made with MagnaCut. I would refine the design, and go on from there.
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