The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears Sat Answer Key
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O God, I am in my Father's house; but you are not yet all gone, for the house may yet be filled. My heart is like a house which is so full that it cannot hold any more; it is like the net which is full of little fishes. Behold the whole sky, the whole air and the whole earth is full of your goodness. O God, do not leave the children of men to their own counsels. Open the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf, and let the prisoner be delivered from his prison, and the prisoners from the dungeon; bring out those who are shut up, and those that are bound, and those that are in dark prison and the kings of the earth and the princes. I pray you, O Lord, have compassion upon all mine enemies; I beseech you, permit not the death of your righteous servant. Oh, take not his life, for it is not lawless, but I hate to be under the judgment of wicked men and the sentence of the unjust; Oh, let not your servant be put to death; I pray you, of your goodness, O Lord, deliver him not into the power of his enemies, for they will deal after their own hearts. I pray you, O Lord, remember not the sins of this servant, for which he has been punished. O God, he was not a robber, neither a murderer, nor a thief, nor a gulph-seizer, nor a drinker of blood, nor a fornicator; and he was not the cause of death to any man; and he served not a prince, nor was he a judge; and he was not a man of violence. O God, he has been punished for his faults, and he is not worthy of death. I pray you, O Lord, remember not that he was a servant to You, but he was your servant, and render to him the things that are due to his servants. I pray you, O God, remember not the sins of this servant, but remember his mercy.
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