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SM: I am most interested in the idea of the uncanny, and of the way it is always already a product of the very technologies and structures we make. A lot of the sense of the uncanny in these flash mob murders is also tied up with the strange relationship between the virtual body and the actual body; the uncanny is most effective when it appears as something strange and unfamiliar, and yet is for all that familiar.
... Mae West Miss Movieland queen Mae West has been in the public spotlight for years, and for most of them, she's been either center stage or a supporting role. But the great age of the star, who died Sunday at her home in Beverly Hills, was the mid-1940s, when the flashy, edgy comedienne segued from playing Oscar winners to melodrama stars and played some of the most memorable character roles of Hollywood's Golden Age.
With her daughter, Jane, by her side, Fonda takes the stage as the first of the title stars on the Hollywood Walk of... has her new film, Jane, in which the actress plays a scientist who develops a... 827ec27edc