Raymond Calvel The Taste Of Bread Pdf To Excel
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I would easily agree with the oven as I had experience the difference in taste with bread baked under such facility. But freshly made flour and properly aged flour, statistically speaking I cannot find any significant difference in taste but there is indeed better baking quality due to improvement in appearance and volume which is due to flour maturation in the properly aged flour.
With sea salt, and common table salt I don?t see any difference either,Now with water as long as its not tainted strongly with other foreign or chemical tastes it cannot influence the bread taste either.
The people in these areas believe that bread taste better due to the added perspiration from the bakers. Now it takes considerable skill and stamina to knead such dough size by hand non stop for at least half and hour! so profuse sweating is inevitable exacerbated by the tropical conditons in the bakery.
For example a baker mix a dough in the spiral mixer and another baker in the fork type/french mixer and other do the same in the high speed Tweedy or the Stephan vertical cutter mixer, or a home baker willl use the food processor as he has no mixer or feel lazy to knead a dough...Based on observation of the bread results; if the degree of dough development is made to be the same and the rest of the processing conditions are controlled to be equivalent the resulting bread quality and taste is identical!
[quote="chembake"]Myths in naturally fermented bread?[snip] But freshly made flour and properly aged flour, statistically speaking I cannot find any significant difference in taste but there is indeed better baking quality due to improvement in appearance and volume which is due to flour maturation in the properly aged flour.[/quote]
Graham from the combined sensory analysis and statistical analysis,the evaluators cannot find any significant difference between the freshly milled flour and the properly aged one. When I was doing my own evaluation of my baked product without the benefit of a trained sensory panel I had the same opinion that fresh flour taste better but it was wrong as I was biased in my judgment. Nobody was exerting the control measure to see to it that fair judgment was done on the particular product.So with self assessment with issues that requires statistical analysis to produce valid results is not considered scientifically acceptable, in the same way that in consumer panel that the numbers of results are assessed statistically to be considered acceptable to the considered a scientific truth.Unfortunately that his how most of the artisan bakers judge bread, without the benefit of statistics as many of them cannot comprehend that mathematics nor are properly trained in the mechanics of proper sensory analysis.
It is just in the past and in recent times I met many of these folks and my thesis have been met with derision that there is no big deal about using your hand or the machine to prepare and artisanal type dough.In one occasion one guy challenged my thesis that there is no difference in taste in bread whether made by hand or machine and we agreed to prove it in one his friends bakeries. The results was that the product was lot better with mixers and the taste are just the same,much to his embarrasment.
@chembake- amen for this forum!I'll throw in one: I have made bread in all sorts of home ovens, including a clapped out electric oven in a holiday house that had to be set to full blast.None of these breads have tasted inferior to the bread I bake daily in my wood-fired scotch oven. 2b1af7f3a8