Candid Hd Miss Teen Nudist Pageant 13
L UTAIT Sunday partly cloudy, M R Bjif B 1 H dff mmrffcf U vlf HW i T 'idltof 1 I Ik BP if Quite often tho mort InterestingPfl ' ' -.warmer c.nsi. cooler west pur- U S ) S E I7 - W H I H B IK 1 E 1 NB 111 1 Nl E I V l III III' I news of the day Ib to bt found In' tlon; Monday luunl silvers. ' I B It JJLi AJt JL Jl I j,m3s LSL Jl JIJP1 A JT Vlifrl H Hl Ar the want-ad section.Fiftieth Year-No. Tii Price Five cents OGDEN CITY, UTAHSUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1920. : PRICE FIVE CENTSADMINISTRATION LEADERS VICTORS AT S. F. Ia gj p V ( V V V W V. i , .1 INSECRETCOVEFOR QUIET RESTFirst of Five Million CampaignBUI Posters Presented to Re-RB publican NomineeSTREET FAKIRS LOSEOUT WITH BUTTONSHI National Committee Corners4 ' Celluloid Supply for LapelPhotos of CandidateH WASHINGTON', June 26. Accom-panlcd by Mrs. Harding. SenatorH Harding, the Republican presidential'nominee, slipped quietly out of WashH lngton today to spend the week-end atH the country home of a friend in aH nearby state. Teh senator declined toH make public his destination but an-H nouricod he would bo back' at his of-9 Dec next Tuesday.1 J3v surrounding his trip with sp-H crcoy, the presidential nominee hopedIIBi f- 1 avoid crowds and obtain a rest. HV Will bo the first vocation he has takenH since his campaign for the presiden-Hl Ual nomination began early in the,H year.Confers With McCorniTCR;I The Republican nominee went'to hisoffice early in the day to go over hiscorrespondence but remained less than 1two hours. In anticipation of the departure from the capltol no engagements had been scfreuuled but he conferred briefly with Senator and -Mrs- jMcdlll McCormick of Illinois, the lal-tor discussing with him party plans jrelating to the part of women in his;campaign, iWhile on his week-end trip it is;! .understood Mr, Harding will devote isomo time to his speech of acceptance 'which is now undr preparation. ,First of rie 3IUJlon IThe first of the five. million campaign posters bearing the picture of jSenator Harding and Governor Coolidge of Massachusetts, the Republicancandidate for vice president, takenfrom the press, was rece.ved todayfrom the printers and presented to thepresidential nominee. Tho poster isprinted in three colors and bears thocaption; "America Always First." Owing to the print paper shortage, theposters- will bo only about 111 by ISinches in size.Thousands of ButtonsSenator Harding's office also received the first batch of the lo.ouu.OOOcampaign buttons bearing the nominee's portrait. Friends of the sena- ;tor remarked on the fact that follow-,ing a national convention street sales-mon usually appear Immediately with Ibuttons bearing tbc likeness of the)nominee. This year, however, tnoi' street fakirs have been conspicuousi by their absence. This was explained )by the fact that the Republican na-jlionnl committee several months ago;bought up virtually the entire supplyof celluloid leaving none of the fnatcrial available for the manufacture Iof buttons except those ordered by!tho committee. IRAR1TAN, N. J., June 2G. SenatorW. G. ardlng. Republican presidentialnominee, Is spending the week-end atthe country homo hero of UnitedSlates Senator J. H. Frellnghuysen.When tho senator left Washingtontoday he was disinclined to make public his designation. Tonight, hSwcver,he consented to permit fii3 whereabouts to bo known with un earnest Istipulation that he be not disturbed;as lie is seeking a much needed rest.-1 Kj-NTUCKY DELEGATESfl&ULE OUT DRY QUESTIONSAN FRANCISCO, June 26. Resolutions favoring tho league of nationscovenant "without reservations whichimpair its essential integrity" and declaring tho prohibition question "notan lssuo in this campaign" weropasseel by the Kentucky delegation incaucus today. They woro intended toinstruct tho action of Senator Beckham, elected member of the convention resolutions committee for thestate at the same sessionMiss Laura Clay, a descendant otHenry Clay, was elected vice chair, man of tho delegation.FLOOD OF IMMIGRANTSH BREAKS POST-WAR RECORDN03W YORK, June 2G, All recordsfor the arrival of aliens here sincothe resumption of immigration following tho war wero broken today1 'ncn 6,200 prospective AmericanaH flooded the Ellis islund immigrationHi ( station. Twenty additional guards wereEf immediately placed on duly.M0" Commissioner of Immigration Fred-mt crick- A. Wallis attributed the in-Hi crease to activity or foreign agents ofHh txnns-Atlautic steamship lines.BL -! I BRITISH SHIPSI -BOMBARD TURKS;THOUSANDS DEADLONDON, June 26. British (warships at anchor before thetown of Ismid, Asia Minor, haveviolently bombarded the Turkish lines stretched around that' place and it is estimated that1 1000 Turks have been killed, according' to an Exchange Telegraph company dispatch fromAthens.Reports from Ismid, the mes- Jsage stated, indicate that vip- Jlent fighting continues there. ;j SMYRNA, Asia Minor, Junej 26. Greek forces engaged inj the offensive against the Turk! ish nationalists in Asia Minorare advancing in four directionsand have taken a number ofi towns, according to an official! communique from Greek armyheadquarters under Thursday's, date.i . Confirmation of the recentlyj reported annihilation of theI 13th Turkish army corps hasJ been received here.Sii 'll IS;FORESTERflFU.S.L. F. Kneipp Promoted AfterFive Years In Ogden; HasEnviable Record jDistrict Forester L. F. Kneipp Is jpromoted to assistant forester, withoffices in Washington, D. C, tho promotion to take effoct July 1, according to official information- receivedfrom Washington yesterday.Mr. Kneipp will have charge of theoffice of lands- He will probably notdepart from Ogden betoro CiO days because his presence in the district officewill be necessary for several weeks.Mr. Kneipp is tho second districtforester at ugncn to go to Washington a3 assistant forester. H. A. Sherman, former district forester, recentlywas promoted to the position of assistant loreslcr.Tnus far no information regardinghla successor has been given out, al-jthough it is reported Lnat two menare being consluered for tho position.Makes Itnpkl Rise. !Mr. Knelpp's career In tho fore3tiservice has oeen an enviable one, according to the records. Starting in19Uo as an assistant forest ranger, lieprogressed within a year to tho position of forest supervisor, and fromApril 6 until tho middle of 1S07. wa3connected as supervisor of the Recoariver district in Arizona. In 1907 hewas appointed to tho position of forest inspector, and In 1910 went toWashington, D. C, as chief of control in the branch ot grazing.He returned to the west to acceptthe position 03 district forester of theil'JOa.Tribute to Forester.The forest Kervico bulletin contained the following tribute to Mr.Kneipp;"The foregoing announcement willbo read throughout District -1 withgenuine and whole-souled regret. Foriovor fivo years we have forged aheadunder the inspiration of Mr. Knoipp'sleadership, making steady and consistent progress, In splto of the tremendous handicaps of the war period, toward the attainment of our IIdeals of public service. His administration has not only witnessed material progress along tho lines of effective organisation the developmentof close, harmonious roiatlon3 hetween our widespread units, and thoadoption of improved administrativemethods, but in every branch of ourwork the position of the service before whom wo serve has been markedly strengthened. The prospect of hisdeparture from District 4 would occasion In itself nothing but the deepest regret, and to those of us whohavo been so fortunate as to workdirectly under his personal supervision in the district offico the sense ofloss will bo espoclally keon. Ills highstandards of offlcal and personal conduct, his integrity of purpose, hisstrength of character as a man, thesoundness of his Judgment and keenness of his intellect, his all aroundefficiency and his commanding personality havo Inspired an unusual de-( Continued on .Pago 'Seven.)With No Friction and GreatEnthusiasm Judicial Candidates Are Quickly NamedWILLIS. DAVIS AND1 DOUGLAS LOSE OUTI(Convention Indorses NationalI Platform and Indorses Hard- jI ing and CoolidgeiJ Lieutenant Colonel James A. Howellland James N. Kimball are tho cholcolj of tlo Republicans for district judges.1 Joseph IS. Evans for di3trict attorney 1jis also their selection. Tho Ropubli-ican convention of the Second Judicial!dstrlet held yesterday afternoon inthe courthouse will go down In his-1tory as a session without friction or!sensation, but of united enthusiasm.Harmony was the keynote of tho entire session and from the openingspeech to adjournment the convenI Hon ran along like a well-oiled ma-!I chine. There was spirited competi-Ition 'at times in oratory as tho qualities of the nominees wero exploited byjtheir friend3 and at times It appeared 1j-as-though close battles wouhrbe" on"!j the program in the balloting. Howlever, the results showed decided one-', sided tendencies and no close race II featured the session. jj Howell Bl Leader.Colonel Howell won overwhelmingly jover ills competitors for his seat on ;the district tjL-nen. Ho hauled In a!total of 158 votes, wiih Mr. Kimball,hla nearest contestanx, finishing in Iseconu place with li'l'j. John G.II Willis and John C. Davis ran a neckj and ncclc race, wiih Mr. Willis finallyI polling ti-Hf. votes and Mr. Davis C.'.U nominees were selected' on tho111st ballot.When the smoke cleared away after the vote for district attorney, andMrJ' ISvans was announced as victorious by a total of 111 votes againstS9 cast for Royal J. Douglas, Mr.,Douglas Immediately took mo floorand moved that 1110 nomination of.)r. Evans be made unanimous by ac-': clamallon. Ho was roundly ap-lI plaudcd. !Platform Adopted.A resolution affirming tho allegiance of tho delegates to tho Republican parly and the platform aooptedby tho party at the recent nationalconvention was one of the first pieces jof business to como before the delegates. It was unanimously adopted 1and cheered. jThe resolution sets forth that thedelegates approve and endorse Harding and Coolidge as the standardbearers of tho Republican party andpledge them tnetr true and loyal support and furthor pledged to do all In!their power legitimately to place them Iin the offices tor which thoy are nowjcandidates "to the end that the glory,and splendor of this magnificent na-llion will be upheld throughout thoworld."Praise for Yanks. jThe resolution also paid tribute to Ithe conduct and patriotism of tho menwho participated in tho world war and Igiving "to all who woro the uniform 'and lought the battles of this country'in any of the wars our heartfelt admiration and esteem."Tho closing paragraph of the resolution stated that the delegates at thoconvention pledged the nominees ofthe coientlon to bo fair and impartial, guaranteeing equal rights to ailand special privileges to none.Cheers for Harding.Enthusiasm was injected Into theconvention during tho pause immediately following ihe .calling of thesession to order when W. P. iSppersonof Davi3 county climbed upon a chair,Unrolled a photograph of Harding andshouted. "Gentlemen, I wish to introduce you to the next president of theUnited Statess."A bedlam of cheers, applause andwhistling followed and it was fully aminute before the dolegate3 again set-!lied down and would let tho conven-1tlon proceed. 1Tho convention was called to ordershortly after li o'clock bv c. R. Holllngsworth, temporary chairman. Hoistated that the session would immediately get down to business and therewould be no formal opening talk. Secrotary Honry W. Stable of Davis county was absent and Walter W. Evansof Davis county took his place nearthe speaker's stand. Mrs. Mattio Turner of Morgan county and W. TGreenwell of Weber county acted asassistant secretaries.Conuidttecs Xaiacd.Tho convention call was read bySecretary Greenwell and committeeswero appointed by tho chair. Thecommittees wore composed ofResolutions Walter Cotroll, Daviscounty; E. A. Wlldo. Morgan countyand B. T. Hulanlsskl, Weber countyOrganization Committeo GcorgoHalverson, Wober; Sophie Grass, Mor- -gap,nnd M. Nelson, Davis.Credentials Committeo P. A. Dix. i(Continued on Page 7.) , I !' 'SisHint Burning at StakeSay Hanging IsToo GoodSEVERAL MYSTERIOUSFEATURES IS CASEExcitement Running HighSince George M. UnderwoodLost Arm and LegI By EDWIN D. RIDER.I "X. LX A. Staff Correspondent.KANSAS CITY. June 20. Excite-ment is running high and there .are; open muttorlngs in Excelsior Springs,near hero, that if the two "torturebandits" who robbed George M. Underwood and then bound him to thoWabash railroad tracks where a fewminutes later a passenger trainrumbled by, cutting off his left legand left hand, are found, tho wheelsI of Justice will have to do somo tallspeeding.Hanging is loo good, the citizens ofExcelsior Springs say, and there Istalk of "burning at tho stake."T,ho revolting crime has shocke,d.-allnhiscelTohoTTITtf "country. " "'Police Arc Raffled.The robbery motive has been discarded by the authorities, but tho solution of tho mystery still is ns baffling as when Underwood was foundcrying for help.He is now in a serious condition in anExcelsior sanitarium., His homo is atCarrollton.There are several puzzling features'to tho case:1 Bandits who wished to robwould not ko to such lengths justylns; their victim to a railroadtrack.- Underwood liad no enemies.It Is said. He stoutly insists heknows oT no reason wiiy he shouldbe given such piuiislirucnt. I3 It Is reported that about a Jweek before the crime Underwoodhad taken out a $30,000 accidentinsurance policy.1 Authorities are also workingon the clue thai the murderersof the young woman, wIiom; nudeanil headless body was recentlyfound in a pleasuro lake near St.Joseph, possibly thought Underwood knew of their work andwished to remove liim as a witness. Changes is Version. iThe mystery is complicated by Underwood changing his original version of tho crime. His first story was'that both his hands and legs were'tied to the rail. But now he saysonly his loft leg was tied. Physicianssay his right hand shows no marksof being bound by wire.Tho victim of tho torture banditshas a wife, two children, throe brothers and a father, all of whom aro nowin Excelsior Springs. All say onlyrobbery and tho desire to leavo no onoto testify against them was the mo-1live.Underwood had been visitingfriends in Excolaior Springs. About9 in tho evening ho started for thoWabash station. Half a block fromthe station a big motor car, with twomen in It. drovo along side him. Bothwere well dressed. One he describedas small and dark comploxloned. "Getin and keep your mouth shut," ono ofthem commanded.Took Few Dollars. .They drove him into the country,robbed him of afew dollars, gagged,and bound him to the track and thenleft.Five minutes later Underwoodheard the Wabash passenger coming.Ho says ho tried to wrench himselfloose, but failed.G. 0. P. NOMINEES WILLHEAR FROM SUFFRAGISTSWASHINGTON, June 2C Suffragists plan to make demonstrations atboth Marlon, , Ohio, and Northampton,Mass.. when Senator Harding andGovernor Coolidge nro formally notified of their selection as tho Republican party's standard bearers, Mis AlicePaul, chairman of tho national woman's party announced here tonight.Miss Paul said the form which thedemonstrations will take had not yetbeen determined upon.VETERAN PRESBYTERIANASSEMBLY CLERK DEADPHILADELPHIA, June 26. ThoRev. Dr. William Henry Roberts forthlrty-flvo years clerk of the Presbytorlan goneral assembly, died in a Jaospital hero today. He was 76 yearsold.At tho last session of the assemblyheld here recently, he rcslgnc'd afterappearing In a rolling chair. He wasafterward made state clerk emeritusand his salary -of ?G.Q00 a year continued, jFactions At San Franciscoj Line Up For Vigorous Fights miSEMTOR REED ;! UNABLE TO GET 'DELEGATE SEAT!iPalmer Group Wins Out mGeorgia Contest Without jNegative VoteUTAH VOTES TO KEEP' OUT MISSOURI SOLON ISenator Carter Glass DisplaysDeep Feeling in SpeechAgainst Foe of League. AUDITORIUM, SAN FRANCISCO.June 26. Administration leaders won Ja sweeping victory in the Democratic'national commitee today when that;body recognized tho Palmer group ofjdelegates In tho Georgia, contest and;refused to give Senator James A. Reedof Missouri, bitter opponent of thojj league of nations, a seat In the con-!I vention. The voto to Iteep P.eed out' of the convention wa 34 to 12 andcame after a long puolic hearing andLa-u -hour-and a'limf-of discussion Tje-jhind closed doors.' The voto to ueat the Georgia PalmerI delegates was unanimous, 4'J votes be-'ling recorded in their favor with four'I committeemen absent. The action of;i tho national committee in the Georgia'' contest carries with it tho re-electionI of Clark Howell as a member of the.I national committee, his delegates hat--;ing selected him at tha time they wercjnamed In Georgia.Tho voto by states on the rejectionof Senator Reed's claim to a seat in 'tho convention was as follows: IFor Reed California. Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, Neada, New Jersey, NowYork, North Dakota, Ohio 12.Against Alabama, Arizona. Colorado, Conuecticut, Florida, Georgia,Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri Montana, New Hampshire, NowMexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhodo Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,I Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington,Wyoming. Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines, Porto Rico 34.Refrains from Voting.Frank Qulnn, who held tho proxy Iof F. B. Lynch of Minnesota, refrained!from voting .becauso ho expected to beja member of tho credentials commit-:teo and would have to pass on ihe ac-'tlon of tho national committee.Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma,Wc3t Virginia, Wisconsin and Districtof Columbia were not recorded as voting. Bofore the vole was taken. Committeeman Moore, Ohio; Saulsbury,Delaware; Mullen, Nebraska; Dockwollor, California, spoko In favor ofseating Reed.Senator Glass, Virginia, made theprincipal speech against Reed and!was supported by Commlteemen IQuinn, Rhode Island; Jones, NewMexico, and Tltlow, Washington. jGlass Shows Feeling.Norman E. Mack, New York, In voting for Reed gave his reasons andJohn W. Coughlin, Massachusetts, explained his vote agaln3t Reed. IThe mujority of tho speakers mjeach Mde confined thomselves io roc-1ords in the Reed case and tho leaudulof nations did not enter much into the'discussion, according to some of thecommitteemen. Senator Glass showedmuch feeling in his speech againstSenator Reed, and because of hlscloso connection with the presidentwas regarded by some committeemenas reflecting the views of the WhiteHouse, vThere was no discussion of theGeorgia contest prior to the taking otltho vote. IFrlend3 of Senator Reed announced'that thoy will take his case to thecredentials committee. In the meantime his seat will be held by JamesT. Bradshaw, his altornatc.Tho Georgia contest will also go totho credentials committee, It was alleged, by W. J. Voreen, a membor oftho deposed group of delegates andwho was to bo the next natlonnl committeeman from Georgia If tho HokoSmith-Tom Watson delegates hadwon their fight before tho committee.Turns Over Proxy.KANSAS CITY June 26. James T.Bradshaw, alternate to Senator JamesA. Reed as delegate from tho fifthMissouri district to the Democratic national convention announced horo tonight that ho had voluntarily turnedhis proxy to Senator Reod and thattho latter was empowered to act forhim in all matters portalnlng to tho ;buslnoss of tho convention.Mr. Bradshaw said ho gavo theproxy to Sonator Rood Just before thosenator loft for San Francisco and 'said that he did so "because he -thoughtthw highest lntorcsts of partyharmony demanded it."Mr. Bradshaw declared businessmatters prevented him from attendingtho convention In person.I BRYAN, REED AND! WALSH TO FIGHTWiLSOMAN FLANK'SAN FRANCISCO, June 26 jPlans for opposing the admhris-'(tration treaty and league of na-,tions plank were formulated hour's conference toniglitbetween William J. Bryan and iSenators Walsh of Massachu-setts, and Reed of Missouri:"Their first .effort, SenatorWalsh said, is to be made in theresolutions committee by offer-ing substitutes for the adminis! tration plank. 1If defeated in the resolutionscommittee Senator Walsh saidit was planned to present a minority report to the convention.The major portion of those inthe movement, Senator Walshadded, is to prevent commitment of the party to unreservedratification of the present Jleague covenant.1ETS UNO MSIN HOT BATTLE;RESUETJNDOUBTBryan Declares Polls Will BeTaken to "Show Up" Supporters of RumSAN FRANCISCO. June 26 "Wets"and "drys" today continued their preconvention battle but left the outcome still in doubt.William J. Bryan formally openedhis fight for a prohibition platformplank. After his election by tho Nebraska delegation to the resolutionscommitleo he made a long and vigorous address at a luncheon of the Commonwealth club on prohibition andother platform questions. He declared the Democratic party must be"saved from the liquor interests." ;mdpredlctod utter rout for tho "wets."Democratic leaders favoring modification of the Volstead law confinedtheir efforts to qulot work amongstole delegations. Several claimedlarge accessions to a wet or at leastdamp declaration. Others leaders,however, declared tho platform wouldbo silent on tho prohibition questionand wero working toward that end.No Compromise, Says Bryan.Mr. Bryan asserts that thero would ibe no compromise on the prohibitionquestion. He said that while an openfight might be avoided ho would forcea record vote, both of stales and individual if the liquor question wero brought tip In tho convention. It is the paramount Issue before;the Democrats, Mr. Bryan said, declar-jing his special purpose hero was to!have a "dry" plank incorporated inthe platform an essential to party1victory in November, lie said. 1The "wets" were encouraged by re-1ports from southorn delegations thathopes of the prohibitionists for a"solid south" foi a prohibition decla-iration wore unfounded. Thoy declarethat the unit rule could not be invoked on all southern delegations andthat many of the southerners were iready to vote against the prohibition-!ists. ' IFight for Dry Plank. jMr. Bryan told hla audionce todaythat ho sought his place on the resolu-'tions committee especially to fight for'a "dry" plank."I'm not sure that we're going tojhavo any fight," Mr. Bryan continued,"but on the wet question, which prob-;ably will como before the convention,!every man will have the chance to go,on record. We're going to havo a roll- Icall and I want every delegation polled Iso If any Democrat wants to turn thoparty over to tho liquor Interests his Ifolks at homo will know It."Mr. Bryan said he would welcome aminority report from tho resolutionscommitteo if noccssary. to bring thelssuo squarely before tho convention.Country Will Know."When wo'ro through," he continued, "the country will know wholhcrthe Democratic party will bo tho chattel properly of the brewers or whotherthey'll be out of business never toralso their black flag again. Therewill be no dodging tho issue, no skulking around as thero was at Chicago.If the Democratic party isn't willingto speak out after tho supreme courthas withered every argument of thowets, It ought to dissolve."Leave Well Enough Alone.WASHINGTON, Juno 26. William(Continued on Page Seven) ,tBryan-Wilson Forces Mayi Clash Over Nation Leagueand 'Dry'1 QuestionsTEN ASPIRANTS BOLDLY JHJ OUT FOR NOMINATIONName of McAdoo Continually HBobbing Up When Dele- ' Hgates Get Together ) HSAX FRANCISCO. June 2C As thorival forces at the Democratic riation-al convention movo inWpositlon forthe opening Monday there fs apparentI no more definite alignment of strengthI for various candidates than there hasl been since the delegates began to ps-semble. William Jennings Bryanepitomized tho situation today in lan-guago with which most observersseemed to agree."There will be a lob of tickets put WHup and put down before this conven-tlon nominates one," he said. H. The closing hours of-thc-prc-convon-jtlon period 'aro much the same asI characterized the last minute proceed-! ings of tho cRpublican convention atChicago. Til ore is a marked similarityin many respects. HI Ten Candidates Out. IHI Seven hundred and- fifty-six of the' 1092 delegates are uninstructed. Their IH' personal preferences cannot be asscm-bled in composite review. There are 'Mj ten candidates, avowed, unwilling orI receptive. It seems certain that someballoting on tho convention floor will jHj be necessary to disclose the lines of IHi strength and' weakness, clear the llHground of favorite sons and compll- llmontary votes, and narrow the situa-tlon down to the real contenders outIn the open. HNo Democratic candidate comes to HSan Francisco with any such showing Hof pledgod strength as was broughtto Chicago by Wood. Lowdcn or John- Hson. But, as at Chicago, the sltua- IHtion at the opening revolves about a IHrivalry on issues rather than for tho Hmoment on candidates. HHow much. Influence William Jj Bryan will have on the making of theparty's platform and its choice of a IHI candidate will be shown soon after tho Hopening session of the convention Mon- HTho first evidence of horr much of Ha force Mr. Bryan will bo will conn lfIn the makeup of the resolutions commlttee. which will draft the platformand in tho choice of tho permanentorganization of tho convention.Brynn-WlLson Opposition. IHj These issues bring about a direct jHcontest between the administrationforces and Mr. Bryan's forces. If M H' Bryan finds upon the resolutions com-mlttee a majority of men sympathetic IHwith his views on prohibition.- the IHI league of nations and other questions,the chances of a fight at the outsetI will be minimized. If the admlnls- IH' tration men control and insist on aI declaration in support of tho league HI covenant as brought from Versaillesby President Wilson. Mr. Bryan mayoppose brlngintr the issue into the pla- IHI form at all. Of course, If the "wet 3" Hattempt to put in a plank which mns; counter to Mr Bryan's declared viewson prohibition, Mr. Bryan ccrtninl, will carry the fight to the floor ofthe convention. In such an event Mr HBryan will not be unanswered nnd flthere are prospects of fireworks, whichmight even .llpse the display which IHaccompanied Mr. Bryan's fight a'i Baltimore which culminated in the flnomination of Woodrow Wilson.Little Action Monday. IHMonday's session will be a mere pre-limlnary in wliich Chairman Cum- Hmings will deliver his keynote sneech Hthe caucus designations tor variouscommittees Including resolutions andcredentials will be ratified and tho con-vention will ihen adjourn so that thecommittees may work. HIf a fight within the committee do- IHlays the completion of their work be-yond Tuesday noon, the session that Hday may bo another routine affair. iHIt is undecided whether tho nomlnatIng speeches for tho nine or ten menwho will be presented to the conven- Htlon will be delivered before the platform is brought in. At tho Baltimoreconvention of 1912 tho nominations IHwere mado before the platform wa, Jadopted but the usual custom Is Justtho reverse.Nobody professes to know what can- IHdidato Mr. Bryan favors. No oneprofesses to know with any greater degree of certainty what candidatoPresident AVilson and'the admlnlstra-tlon forces may favor. HLeaRuo and Wct' Questions.But, at ovory turn of tho road, asa seeker after information searchesthrough tho delegations In an attempt IHto assess their preferences and leaningsthe elusivo McAdoo movement bobs llThe play of politics is expected toshow many shifting alignments IH(Continued' on' Pajio -7) 2b1af7f3a8