Alldata 10.40 Portable
A Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system is a collection of portable andstationary radio units designed to communicate with each other over predefinedfrequencies. They are deployed wherever organizations need to have instantcommunication between geographically dispersed and mobile personnel. TypicalLMR system users include public safety organizations such as policedepartments, fire departments, and medical personnel. However, LMR systems alsofind use in the private sector for activities like construction, buildingmaintenance, and site security.
A portable Wi-Fi hotspot is a mobile hotspot obtained through a cell phone carrier. It's a small device that uses cellular towers that broadcast high-speed 3G or 4G broadband signals. Multiple devices, like iPads and laptops, can then connect wirelessly to the device, which in turn seamlessly connects to the Internet where ever you travel. Similar to a cell phone, the portable hotspot's monthly cost is based on the data usage plan you select. A portable Wi-Fi hotspot is a more reliable way to access the Internet than searching for static public Wi-Fi hotspots.
If body kinematics can be obtained in the patient's home, a real-time subject-specific and whole body CoM can be determined and used to assess balance in a customized manner, complementing home-based physical rehabilitation programs [26]. In [27], we reported a preliminary result showing that color and depth (RGB-D) cameras, such as the Kinect, can be used to accurately perform a subject-specific CoM estimation through SESC. The identification phase was performed using CoP information obtained with a WBB, demonstrating that creating a subject-specific SESC with portable, low-cost sensors is possible.
In this work, we investigate the performance of the personalized CoM tracking when compared to a literature-based estimate. We also compare the results of a personalized CoM estimation obtained from portable and high-end sensors. That is, we estimate whole body three-dimensional CoM position with: (i) a SESC identified using a Vicon motion capture system and an AMTI-OR6 (AMTI6 by Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc., Waterton, MA, USA) force-platform; (ii) literature-based parameters [10] and Vicon measurements; (iii) a SESC obtained using the Kinect and WBB;(iv) and literature-based parameters and Kinect's angular measurements. We compare the estimated CoM ground projection for each case to the measured AMTI6 data, which we considered as the ground truth. In this way, we aim to show the performance of the subject-specific CoM estimate using portable sensors and compare its accuracy to the high-end sensor case.
In order to determine a personalized CoM position, two SESCs were identified for each subject: one using high-end sensors, the other with low-cost portable ones. In addition, a literature-based estimate was performed using the anthropometric data provided by Winter [10] and kinematic measurements from the Vicon and the Kinect. Thus, wee valuated the performance of the following estimates:(i)Vicon-SESC, identified from the Vicon-AMTI6 data;
The validation of human CoM estimation methods is an open problem, as this quantity cannot be directly measured. The segmentation method, using laboratory instruments and anthropometric tables, is considered as the standard for whole body CoM estimation [8]. However, no study to our knowledge has yet investigated the possibility of using low-cost instruments to provide a subject-specific CoM estimation. We evaluated the accuracy of portable sensors (the Kinect and the WBB) to estimate CoM by comparing it with that obtained with conventional sensors (Vicon and an AMTI6 force platform). With the Vicon system, the estimation error of the literature-based CoM estimate was found to be 24.9 3.7 mm; this error was reduced to 12.8 9.1 mm using the SESC method. With the Kinect, the literature-based estimate had an error of 118.4 50.0 mm, while the subject-specific SESC error was 26.6 6.0 mm. We find that the subject-specific SESC estimation withlow-cost sensors performed as well as a literature based one with high-end sensors.
A flexible identification procedure and a portable system could make CoM estimation feasible for the clinical or home environment. This would be helpful for assessing balance training and for non-intrusive patient monitoring [6], while taking into account subject-specificity. The average identification during this experiment required eight minutes of postural recordings. Some of these postures may be too physically demanding for certain patients. To address this, we have also studied the SESC identification for individuals with restricted mobility [38] and considered multiple support surfaces where CoM can be estimated within the patient's range of motion. This method requires only a variety of postures covering the patient's range of available motion. In this way, the SESC method would be also applied to motor-impaired patients.
\\\\t \\\\tNova versão 10.40 do software ALLDATA portable o mais desejado do mundo. \\\\t \\\\t \\\\t \\\\tALLDATA é a ferramenta essencial para os profissionais acoplados no serviço, no reparo automotivo e nos diagnósticos dando o acesso a uma escala de informação larga sobre 11.000 modelos de veiculos, de 80 fabricantes de veículos. \\\\t \\\\tDados de identificação do veículo, \\\\tAjustes do serviço, \\\\tLubrificantes e capacidades técnicos, \\\\tSistema de ignição, \\\\tSistema de combustível, \\\\tTorques, \\\\tDiscos e tambores de freio, \\\\tTempos de reparo, \\\\tCorreias, \\\\tAlinhamento de roda, \\\\tCorrentes e engrenagens, \\\\tTamanhos e pressões, \\\\tIlustrações do serviço, \\\\tProgramações do serviço, \\\\tIndicadores do intervalo do serviço, \\\\tProgramação chave, \\\\tCódigos de falha e diagnósticos, \\\\tSistemas de gestão do motor, \\\\tAirbags\\\\/SRS, \\\\tAr condicionado, \\\\tABS, \\\\tPosições dos componentes elétricos \\\\tDiagramas e esquemas elétricos. \\\\t \\\\t \\\\tALLDATA é o principal fornecedor de informação e das soluções de reparo automotivo do OEM à indústria de serviços automotivos profissional. \\\\t \\\\tOs milhares de profissionais das lojas do reparo dependem do ALLDATA para a informação de serviço de reparo, a gerência de loja e as soluções das relações de cliente. \\\\t \\\\t \\\\tDados vívidos da oficina, tomadas como sua base a base de dados técnica vívidos. \\\\t \\\\tA nossa versão profissional inclui a informação básica sobre a manutenção e o reparo, dados de ajuste, desenhos técnicos, relés, códigos de falhas, problemas de diagnósticos e motor. \\\\t \\\\t \\\\tDo mesmo modo inclui diagramas para sistemas de ar ar condicionado, esquemas elétricos. Inclui mais manuais de reparo do que qualquer outro produto técnico dos dados. \\\\t \\\\tTodos os manuais combinam o texto com as imagens e os desenhos (realmente mais de 40.000 e crescimento). Inclui dados de gerência do motor de uma qualidade e de uma quantidade insuperável. Seu índice não permite a comparação. 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